This paper mainly discusses the sensitometry and chemical analysis routine work in motion picture film processing.
Scientists say the first full chemical analysis of medicine tablets found in an ancient shipwreck suggests that health care in the Roman world was surprisingly sophisticated. Our science reporter Rebecca Morelle has more.
科学家称对在一艘失事船舶上发现的药片的首次全面化学分析表明,当时罗马世界的医疗水平已达到了令人吃惊的高度。科学记者Rebecca Morelle更多详细报道。
A new chemical analysis of a more than 200-million-year-old fossilized egg from Patagonia—and a clutch of more recent eggs from Mongolia, found in the Gobi Desert—revealed a thin film matching the characteristics of modern soft-shelled eggs.
对来自巴塔哥尼亚的一个 2 亿多前的鸡蛋化石以及在戈壁沙漠中发现的一批更近代的蒙古鸡蛋进行的新化学分析揭示了一种与现代软壳鸡蛋的特征相匹配的薄膜。